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Backpacking with a Duffel Bag

You need a backpack to go backpacking, right?

Not necessarily, as it turns out.  Sometimes a duffel bag will work just fine.

I wanted to do some backwoods camping last winter, but I didn’t have a large enough pack to carry my massive winter sleeping bag and all of the other stuff I’d need to survive the night. Read More

Learning to Travel the Hard Way

I HAD NOT been home from Iraq more than a few weeks and already things were not going so well.  

It was late 2006, and I had returned to my little hometown in northwestern Wisconsin eager to reunite with friends and family.  But within weeks, all my friends had gone off to distant colleges, and suddenly my small town felt very big and empty.

Worse yet, a girl I had fallen for no longer wanted to see me.  We had met six months earlier while I was home on leave and written each other ever since.  But she was the sister of a friend of mine, and after he found out we were spending time together, both relationships unraveled.

While escorting supply convoys across Iraq, I had often dreamed about a magnificent solo car trip through the American West, out to California where I could get my feet wet in the Pacific.  I would see all kinds of amazing places and meet all kinds of great new people. Read More